Congrats to Nick Stagliano on recently becoming an Eagle Scout. Was a pleasure working with you Nick!
On August 3rd Nicholas Stagliano from Pine Bush Boy Scout Troop #37 earned the rank of Eagle Scout. The highest award that can be given to a Boy Scout. Nick's journey in Scouting began at the age of 6 when he became a Tiger in Pine Bush Cub Scout Pack #37 sponsored by the Infant Saviour Church in 2001. Over the years, through Scouting Nick has been able to learn many life skills as well as attend many camping trips,summer camps, dog sledding in Canada and last year along with his Troop climbed Mt Whitney the highest peak within the continental US. (14,497') Nick's Eagle leadership project was to install a Trail head sign, question box and information posts along the Verkeerderkill Park Hiking trail. These markers list many different species of trees as well as facts about our local area. Nick invites you to please visit the Park and walk the Trail. Nick would like to thank everyone who helped him complete his project, especially Mrs. Mary Webb, Mr. Richard Sherman, Mr.Ed Horton, The Verkeerderkill Park Committee and ofcoarse all the Scouts and leaders from Troop #37. Nick plans on remaining active within the Troop helping younger scouts advance and becoming a counselor at summer camp next year.
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